People counters, the key to achieve the best retail results

Escrito por Flame

Contadores de personas

People counters, the key to achieve the best retail results

What are they?

People counters are systems that provide accurate and reliable data which indicates the number of visitors that have come into the store or business or in a particular area thereof.

Counting people is done as a form of intelligence-gathering. Flame´s people counter can be used to control public at any time, peak hours, busiest days… Besides, accurate visitor counting is also useful in the process of optimizing staff shifts. Staff requirements are often directly related to density of visitor traffic and services such as cleaning and maintenance are typically done when traffic is at its lowest. The use of people counting systems is necessary to calculate the conversion rate, i.e. the percentage of a store’s visitors that makes purchases.


What do they measure?

Thanks to people counters we can see the number of visits we have had any day, any time. Also, in a particular week, we can compare the data with the previous week and the same week the year before.

Moreover, Flame allows you to see the time distribution of visits along the week. With Flame you can see every day (monday – sunday) and how many visits there are each hour.

As you can see visits per day and hour, you can clearly discover which is the busiest day and moment, so this data is ideal for managing staff schedules. We can perfectly see when less or extra staff is needed.


Thanks to people counter you will be able to…

– Identify the most effective marketing actions and achieve higher sales conversion ratio.

You can check visits on different days and times and also these data can be compared with sales.

– Check promotion success in store.

You can tell if a promotion works as there is an increasing number of people, and also how many days is recommended to keep it active.

– Manage employees schedules and breaks

As you can clearly see, busiest days and times, it is easy to schedule staff based on objective data.

In short, having the most data and information about our business is vital to make the best decisions. Hence the importance of knowing the number of people who visit us, days and peak hours, etc.



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