Flame goes to Silicon Valley to participate in the Tech match

Escrito por Flame

tech match
A year after our adventure in Silicon Valley, Flame 聽goes to San Francisco again, this time to participate in the Tech Match program, a program that aims to contact small聽companies eith technology solutions with large American corporations such as Symantec, Qualcomm, Intel , Adobe, LG, Oracle … so they can get to work with them.

About one hundred companies with innovative technological solutions presented candidates to participate but only 6, including Flame, have been selected to be part of this project. Jonathan Solis, CEO of Flame is surmergir谩 in the coming days in an intensive program of preparation and intense activities in Silicon Valley (27-30 October), which will guarantee the successful presentation of Flame against large corporations. These sessions will be conducted pitch sessions, the Executive Summary will be prepared, and individual meetings will be organized presentation.

Export and Investment Spain ICEX organizes the participation of Spanish companies in the technology TECH SPAIN MATCH program, to be held in San Francisco (USA), from 27 to 30 October 2014 UNITED TECH MATCH is organized by US MAC (US market access Center www.usmarketaccess.com), Silicon Valley consulting firm specializing in accelerating international companies to enter a market as competitive as the USA with guaranteed success.

This program aims to bring Spanish companies with their own technological solutions to large American corporations such as Symantec, Qualcomm, Intel, Adobe, LG, Oracle … so they can get to work with them. The aim is to offer support to Spanish companies internationalization giving them the opportunity to come into contact with world leaders, participate in networking events, and a series of activities organized to suit your needs.

To do this, we selected six Spanish companies with innovative technology solutions in the sectors of ICT (cloud, big data, mobile …), internet (AR, wearables, smarcities, security …), cleantech (smart grids, LED / OLED …) , etc.

We will keep telling all the news!



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