Flame launches integration module with the main marketing platforms of the market

Written by Flame

In Flame we premiere 🙂 We present our new integration module with the main marketing platforms of the market. From now on Flame includes integration Add-ons with Mailchimp, Boostcom, TripAdvisor, Twilio and Salesforce, among others.


Nowadays almost all companies have a CRM system that allows them and facilitates the agile management of relationships with their customers. Thanks to CRM, companies can manage in an orderly and centralized way the interactions with their clients and potential clients.

Having said that … Can you imagine being able to take all contacts and make segmented and personalized emails or SMS? Thus, you could re-activate opportunities that you thought were lost and get clients to visit tou again. Interesting, right?

Well, now this is possible thanks to Flame and its integration with the main CRMs of the market (Salesforce, Boostcom, etc.). With Flame you can send massive and segmented emails / SMS to the contacts of your CRM and get a lot of analytics. All the contacts obtained through the Guest Wifi will be automatically incorporated into your CRM and you will be able to contact them in a personalized way and at the right moment.

The main advantages of the integrations between your CRM and our marketing automation tool are these: The increase in productivity, Time optimization and Effective resource management.


Hotels and restaurants´owners know it: a good opinion on TripAdvisor is worth its weight in gold and a negative one can be very expensive. That is quite normal becasuse we are talking about a network with more than 350 million unique users per month, the leading portal for travelers’ opinions and the most powerful showcase for our businesses. Keeping this in mind, it seems logical that these owners wish to optimize this tool to the fullest.

Something that is now possible thanks to Flame and our integration with TripAdvisor’s Review Express tool. A tool that allows you to invite your clients to leave comments on your TripAdvisor´s profile. Review Express allows you to automatically create and send emails to clients after they have visited you to encourage them to write a comment on your profile. It is possible to send specific messages to customers according to their language (it is available in 30 languages) and also allows custom satisfaction questionnaires to be included in the same email.

The main advantages of the integration between TripAdvisor and Flame are these: Make it easy for your clients to leave a review. According to TripAdvisor, the businesses that use Review Express saw their reviews increased by 28%. Get lots of reviews and improve your online reputation. Re-contact your clients, generate engagement and make them come back.


As you know, one of the most effective actions in marketing is email marketing and Mailchimp is a very effective tool to implement them. It allows us to generate and manage email campaigns, send newsletters and manage customer subscriptions. It is a versatile, visual and very agile and helps us manage customer data and make segmented campaigns.

If you integrate Mailchimp with your web page / ecommerce, all the contacts obtained through these channels will be automatically incorporated into your Mailchimp audience and you will be able to contact them through this tool. Now… What about the list of contacts obtained through the guest wifi? Well now, thanks to the integration with Flame, these contacts will become part of Mailchimp´s audience. Forget about having a list of contacts in one place and another list in another … It would be too cumbersome! From now on it will be much easier to manage all contacts, wherever they come from and send them personalized messages.

The main advantages of the integration between Mailchimp and Flame are these: Effective management of the contacts. The process of adding new contacts is automatic. No need to download the contacts in Flame to import them to mailchimp. The Mailchimp contact database will always be updated with contacts from the WiFi service.


As you know, the mobile phone has changed our habits. Therefore, it is no secret that Mobile Marketing and, in particular, SMS marketing, is a strategy that brands must incorporate into their communication plan if they want to be close to their customers. Think that an SMS has a huge reach (in Spain, there are currently more mobile lines than persons), it is a fast and very direct channel (98% of SMS are opened) and it is also economical and very effective.

Flame integrates with Twilio to make it easier for our clients to send segmented SMS messages to their audiences.

The main advantages of the integration between Twilio and Flame are these: You get fast and direct communication with your customers Provides closeness and improves the shopping experience. It is a communication that is not saturated, so you gain visibility. Good results are obtained with little investment



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