Flame Analytics is ranking into the G2 platform, one of the world’s most trusted marketplace for software suppliers. This June 2023, the new Summer Reports has been announced and Flame Analytics has won 16 new badges for its huge number of positive reviews and its performance in the market.
This awards are based on real-world users’ responses to the category-related questions included in the G2 evaluation form.
Flame Analytics has been listed in the Location-Based Marketing, Retail Analytics, Guest Wi-Fi Providers and Email Marketing categories, and in each of them our company has achieved the following badges.
Flame Analytics as a G2 Location-Based Marketing Solution
Businesses can send automated marketing communications to clients or prospects depending on their geographic location thanks to location-based marketing software. Such software detects when a client or potential client is close to a predetermined point of interest, and initiates the transmission of customized, contextual marketing content to their mobile device. With the help of these tools, marketers may find “the right customer in the right place at the right time” and nudge them into taking the desired action, like going to the store or buying something. Retail stores and restaurants, as well as other establishments with physical locations, such as transportation hubs, shopping centers, and event venues, frequently employ location-based marketing software.
1. Grid Report for Location-Based Marketing
Products displayed on the Grid® for Location-Based Marketing have at least 10 reviews or ratings according to data as of May 23, 2023. Customer happiness and market presence (based on market share, seller size, and social impact) are used to rate products.
In this reports, Flame analytics has been award in the High Performing category, which includes products that have received high customer Satisfaction scores and low Market Presence compared to the rest of the category.
2. Momentum Grid® Report for Location-Based Marketing
The Momentum score for a product is determined by a proprietary algorithm that takes into account employee, social, web, and review data that G2 has identified as important to a company’s momentum. Software buyers may shorten the purchasing process and rapidly spot trending products by comparing products in the Location-Based Marketing category based on their Momentum and Satisfaction scores. The Momentum Grid® offers benchmarks for product comparison and market trend analysis for sellers, media, investors, and analysts.
Flame Analytics as a Retail Analytics Solution in G2
Software for retail analytics gives retailers a comprehensive view of every element of their business. By examining retail KPIs, it provides them with the in-depth analytical data they need to make better strategic decisions. This tool is frequently used in real time by analysts and managers to monitor the performance of the organization across regions and business units.
Retail analytics software assists in gathering and analyzing customer data to detect and identify which products are selling best, when products sell the most, and which demographics buy particular products. Additionally, it aids in the analysis of purchasing habits and the discovery of consumer trends, allowing sales and marketing teams to develop better sales tactics and put into place efficient marketing loyalty programs.
1. Small-Business Grid® Report for Retail Analytics
Products displayed on the Small-Business Grid® for Retail Analytics have a minimum of 10 reviews or ratings as of May 23, 2023, according to data. On the Grid®, products are organized into four categories based on consumer happiness (based on user ratings) and market presence (based on market share, seller size, and social effect), and Flame analytics is placed into the High Performance category, which means that its products have received high satisfaction reviews from customers even when it market presence is not as high as it competitors.
2. Grid® Report for Retail Analytics
3. Relationship Index for Retail Analytics
Relationship Scores for Retail Analytics emphasizes the product’s overall Relationships score by investigating variables such ease of doing business with, quality of support, and likelihood to recommend data.
With an overall rating of 8,89/10, Flame Analytics is now in second place. This rating is calculated by adding the following elements: 3,33 for ease of doing business with + 1,34 for likelihood to recommend + 3,14 for support quality + 1,09 for other factors.
Flame Analytics as a Guest Wi-Fi Provider by G2
Businesses can give logins to secure internet networks in public places with the help of guest Wi-Fi providers. These products serve as a portal for accessing Wi-Fi networks and interface with the underlying Wi-Fi networking architecture. Guest Wi-Fi gives users access to networks while also giving companies access to demographic data and location monitoring about the customers who are within their physical locations. Businesses may improve the overall customer experience by using this knowledge of client behavior.
To store customer and user data, many guest Wi-Fi providers also provide data management platforms. In order to gain insights from consumer behavior, they might also offer choices for visitor behavior intelligence. Depending on the data gathered by guest Wi-Fi solutions, some guest Wi-Fi providers offer capability of location-based marketing software to customize and target marketing campaigns, advertising, or promotions.
1. Grid® Report for Guest Wi-Fi Providers
Flame Analytics as a G2 Email Marketing Solution
Businesses can create and manage their email lists using email marketing software, segment those lists for targeted email sends, and track subscriber reactions. These email marketing tools may be used to design and create customized emails, and may include an editor to create and send emails, provide email templates, allow users to see preview and send test emails, store, track and segment email lists, provide reports and analytics about each campaign.
1. Grid® Report for Email Marketing
2. Small-Business Grid® Report for Email Marketing
Flame analytics has been placed into the High Performance category, which means that its products have received high satisfaction reviews from customers even when it market presence is not as high as it competitors.
3. Mid-Market Grid® Report for Email Marketing
Products displayed on the Mid-Market Grid® for Email Marketing have at least 10 reviews according to data as of May 23, 2023. The Grid® divides products into four categories based on clients reviews and satisfaction, and their market position (market share, vendor size, and social effect). Flame Analytics is included into the High Performance category according to its high score reviews.
4. Implementation Index for Email Marketing
Some of the elements that go towards determining a product’s overall Implementation score displays information about deployment and implementation. In this category Flame Analytics has received a 8.17/10 score, as a result of 2.84 easy to set up + 2.79 implementation time + 0.85 user adoption + 1.68 other factors.

5. Momentum Grid® Report for Email Marketing
6. Europe Regional Grid® Report for Email Marketing
Flame analytics is included into the High Performance category, which means that in comparison to the rest of the category, it high-performing products have minimal market presence in Europe and high customer satisfaction levels.
7. Small-Business Relationship Index for Email Marketing
Small-Business Relationship Index point out the product’s overall Relationships score by examining factors such ease of doing business with, quality of support, and likelihood to recommend data.
With the ranking, Flame Analytics has obtained a 8.66/10 score. This rating is calculated by adding the following elements: 3.5 for ease of doing business with + 1.41 for likelihood to recommend + 3.35 for support quality + 0.39 for other factors.

8. Relationship Index for Email Marketing
9. Mid-Market Relationship Index for Email Marketing
Mid-Market Relationship Index determine the product’s overall Relationships score by analyzing indicators such ease of doing business with, quality of support, and likelihood to recommend data.
Within the ranking, Flame Analytics has obtained a 8.47/10 score. This rating is calculated by adding the following elements: 3.4 for ease of doing business with + 1.46 for likelihood to recommend + 3.39 for support quality + 0.22 for other factors.

10. Usability Index for Email Marketing
Usability Index determine the product’s overall Relationships score for email marketing by examine elements such ease of admin, ease of use, and meet requirements data.
In this ranking, Flame Analytics has obtained a 8.61/10 score. This rating is calculated by adding the following elements: 1.94 for ease admin + 2.85 ease of use + 2.66 for meet requirements + 1.54 for other factors.

Flame Analytics, one of the most awarded companies within the G2 Summer Reports 2023
Flame analytics has been named a High Performer product based on having high customer Satisfaction scores and a low Market Presence compared to the rest of the category. 100% of users rated it 4 or 5 stars, 91% of users believe it is headed in the right direction, and users said they would be likely to recommend Flame analytics at a rate of 95%. Flame analytics is also in the Location-Based Marketing, Visitor Behavior Intelligence, Retail Analytics, and Guest Wi-Fi Providers categories.