Flame analytics, awarded in the eAwards 2019 as the best solution for sending SMS and email

Written by Flame

The eAwards, awarded annually by the company eWorld (editor of the professional magazine of eCommerce and online marketing eShow Magazine) and the fair eShow, have awarded Flame analytics as the best solution for sending SMS and emailing.

Flame, a benchmark success company for the digital marketing sector

The eAwards reward companies of the year and recognize the innovations developed by them. These awards reward excellence, professionalism, research and development that these companies carry out with the aim of improving customer’s experience, thus becoming successful benchmarks for the digital marketing sector.

Best solution for sending SMS and emailing

Flame has been awarded as the most innovative solution in terms of sending sms and emailing. When delivering this award, the jury, formed by important professionals such as Alberto Rodríguez from Verdecora, Kristine Atraste from Coca-Cola, Raúl García from The PHONE HOUSE, María José Barrera from L’OREAL, Álvaro Llorens from LLADRÓ and Belén Muñoz from CASH CONVERTERS, has taken into account the type of platform offered by Flame (complete, cloud, plug & Play, agnostic…), the high level of customization offered to the user and the increase in sales achieved.

Our CEO, Jonathan Solís, collected the award in a gala attended by hundreds of people and held in the framework of the eShow, recognized as the most important digital marketing fair in Spain and the best showcase for see the latest technology solutions, which brings together year after year the most prominent speakers of the digital landscape. Undoubtedly, it is the ideal event to know how to how to implement new solutions, techniques and tools that allow success in marketing strategy and business growth.



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