Fabrizio Cappuccini : “Retail is an industry undergoing significant evolution”

Written by Flame

Fabrizio Cappuccini

We had the privilege of interviewing Fabrizio Cappuccini, Retail Director at Trony, who shared his expert views on the current and future landscape of the retail sector. Fabrizio envisions a bright future for retail, full of new developments and value generation for both customers and companies, driven by a commitment to training and innovation. Read the full interview to dive deeper into Fabrizio’s insights.

Interview Retail Sector with Fabrizio Cappuccini

We start by assessing the current context of the retail sector. Will offline disappear?

Let’s start form here: as I have been saying for years, the “E” in e-Commerce does not stand for “electronics”. The more appropriate meaning is “EVERYWHERE-Commerce.” Let’s forget the apocalyptic declarations of some pseudo-gurus and focus on the fact that Retail is an industry undergoing significant evolution. The path is called multichannel to multiply the so-called touchpoints, and of course, it is called omnichannel for a seamless customer experience without boundaries. Physical stores, social commerce, corners, websites, travel retail, marketplace, temporary shops: these are just some examples of how retail must evolve by occupying both new and old spaces to be the point of reference for every customer generations.

Human interaction is essential to every shopping experience

What are its defects and virtues in front of online retail?

In terms of gaps, the issue of breadth and depth of assortment certainly represents a limitation of physical retail. Various forms of online retail structurally offer an incomparable selection, which is why achieving omnichannel capabilities also involves “infinity shelf” solutions. On the other hand, offline retail has the enormous and irreplaceable advantage of human interaction, which is essential to every shopping experience.

What is the biggest problem or weakness that retail has to face?

The greatest challenge that Retail faces is the sluggishness of most companies in planning and implementing an innovation strategy. This includes investing in staff training, continuously developing new store concepts, executing a truly omnichannel customer experience, and adopting technological solutions at all levels.

There are numerous technological solutions that can be true game changers in retail

In the current context, what role does technology play in retail? Does it help to engage your customers?

There are numerous technological solutions that can be true game changers in retail. Each market has its own peculiarities, and this must be taken into account. It’s essential to understand what we need and at what stage of operations we are. From big data analysis (in order to measure trends, purchasing behaviors, performance, results, and KPIs), to increasingly precise stock management and, most importantly, stock rotation. From tools for measuring and analyzing traffic (both offline and online) to all the solutions for digitizing physical stores on one hand and creating relational value in online stores on the other. Predictive AI, advanced SaaS, evolved ERP systems, traffic intelligence analysis, chatbots, and in-store solutions like Smart Mirrors in the apparel sector, are just examples of the solutions to explore and adopt.

What does it take for a store to work? Is there a magic recipe?

Magic potions exist only in Asterix & Obelix! In retail, however, there is a precise FORMULA capable of achieving Retail Excellence in all markets. This “Retail Excellence” is the name of the comprehensive training program I personally conduct within companies, where various modules are dedicated to Retail Managers, Area Managers, and Store Managers.
For example, delving into sales as a protocol, training and developing the skills to create a unique and exceptional customer experience, understanding KPIs and developing new ones, all the way to measuring KBIs (Key Behaviors Indicators), is the path to achieving retail excellence and aaaining extraordinary results.

The transition from simple buyers to loyal Customers is achieved by carefully crafting the Customer Journey

How is customer loyalty achieved? How do you engage your customers?

The transition from simple and occasional buyers to truly loyal Customers and “Fan” is achieved only by carefully crafting the Customer Journey. From the exploration phase to the purchase, you become a point of reference and “top of mind” by multiplying touchpoints in a Multichannel logic, erasing boundaries in an Omnichannel logic, and transforming the Customers’ transitions between offline and online into an unforgeaable and extraordinary experience. The product, the context, and promotional dynamics are all important. However, it is the People who create an indissoluble bond: Sales Specialists, Store Managers, District Managers, Area Managers, and Retail Managers on the front lines, supported by the headquarters, all working together with Customers as well all the People involved at the center.

How do you see the future of retail?

I see a bright and exciting present and future, filled with new developments and purchasing paradigms. I envision a retail sector capable of generating value for both customers and companies, provided there is the managerial courage to invest in Training and Innovation





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