Email Marketing is the easiest and most preferred way to advertise. Why?

Written by Flame

Even though email marketing might seem like an old method of advertising, it is still one of the most successful advertising methods for small and big businesses. Whether you are a new startup or an established data analytics consulting company in a saturated market, email marketing can do wonders to attract new customers and keep them interested in your business. In this article, we talk about some of the best reasons that make email marketing one of the easiest and most preferred ways to advertise your business.

1. Email marketing is a targeted advertising strategy

With email marketing, you get the opportunity to make the most of your email list of customers. You can create differentiated email lists by grouping your customers according to their location, age, professional or any other criteria that you choose. This makes your entire email advertising strategy a highly targeted one.

Hence, you can make sure that your campaign for a new product, mature product, differentiated product or a revolutionary product reaches the most suitable audience. It is also a strategy that ensures that your email marketing campaign gets the most number of views by the most relevant customers.

2. Get people talking about your brand?

Email marketing gives your brand a great deal of exposure that is not possible with other kinds of marketing strategies. For example, social media is not accessible to audiences at most workplaces, but email is. Hence, there is a greater chance that people will come across your email marketing message at the workplace more frequently than your social media post.

This helps to ensure that your message remains on top of the mind of your customers. Over time, such a strategy helps to build brand loyalty simply because your audience reads email messages more frequently over time. You can pursue leads more effectively over email and direct them through your sales funnel.

3. Mass spreading of your message

When an email message is sent to a recipient, it is very easy for them to share it with their contacts. All they need to do is to press the Forward feature on their email account. This holds true not only for informational messages, but also for discount offers, news about product launches, and seasonal deals.

When this happens, it creates a domino effect as more and more people read your email and become aware of your product. In the end, this means a very affordable way of reaching thousands and millions of potential customers of advertising companies in Dubai within a matter of days.

4. Measuring is easy

No advertising strategy can be said to have any meaningful use if its effectiveness cannot be tracked and monitored. In other words, it is necessary for your preferred advertising strategy to be measurable. This is perfectly true in the case of email marketing as it offers a range of metrics that can be used to assess its effects on reach, conversion, hit and bounce rates, and so on.

These are extremely valuable data that are available in real time and can be the perfect tool for measuring whether your email campaign has had the desired effect on the target audience. You can easily find out how your audience has responded to your message by measuring the replies or queries that you get in response to your emails.

5. The best return on investment

Email marketing is perhaps the most profitable online advertising strategy of all the options available currently. There are many reasons for this. Firstly, the email lists are generated automatically by your business. Every time a visitor to your website provides their email address on your landing page, or to avail a coupon, or download an eBook, they are increasing your email list and your pool of potential customers.

Hence, nothing has to be spent on acquiring email addresses. Moreover, there are no heavy printing, designing or placement costs for your message as the communication is done my email.

The final verdict!

In conclusion, it can be said that email marketing is indeed one of the most easiest and preferred advertising strategies. It doesn’t matter that you have a small budget or a gigantic budget in the millions. Email marketing is available for all. In fact, the audience for email marketing is growing by the day as more and more people come online.

Social media might have a huge audience, but not everybody who has an email address is an avid social media user. So you will always have a larger audience for email marketing than for social or any other kind of advertising.



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