Conference: Digitalization of Commercial Spaces

Written by Flame

About thirty people attended last month to the conference that we organized in Madrid with Cad & Lan and in which we talked about the importance and the need to digitize commercial spaces.

Today, we live in a turbulent era for retail. The consumer has changed: it is totally digitized, it is omnichannel and it is much more demanding. “The new consumer no longer needs to be bombarded with mass advertising… Now they look for segmented advertising, that the retailer offers them only what they look for and need at the right moment,” said Jonathan Solis, CEO of Flame analytics

Before this new need, the retailer has two options: not adapt and disappear or adapt to this new consumer and undertake a process of digitalization of its point of sale. For this, the first step they must take is to know their client: know how they behave, what they need, how they move, what they like, etc. The second step, once the retailer has the clients´ knowledge, is to give them what they are looking for.

Flame analytics, through its powerful analytics module will help us to have that deep knowledge of the client and to understand their behavior. We can know in which areas of our point of sale they move thanks to heat maps, how many times they visit us thanks to people counters, or how much time they spend in our business and how many times they repeat thanks to wifi tracking.

In addition, Flame will allow us to connect with our customers through the Guest Wifi. We can get their email, phone, gender and age, so we can communicate with them in a much more personalized way. We can, for example, send an email campaign to young women who have not visited us for 5 months, or an SMS campaign to older men who are very devoted to our business.

After the presentations, there was also time for leisure and we could enjoy beautiful views of the capital from the top roof of the Vincci The Mint hotel, in the heart of Gran Vía in Madrid. There, we were able to converse one on one with the attendees, all of them from shopping centers and important retail companies in our country, and enjoy an exquisite afterwork cocktail 🙂 Thank you all for joining us!



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