Christina Horvat: “Personal experiences, individual service and advice are the number 1 success factors in retail”

Written by Flame

Christina Horvat thinks that the retail landscape is evolving drastically and, the biggest challenge now lies within the personal connection between brand and clients. Christina specializes in enabling senior retail professionals to perform with ease at the very highest level in an industry that never stands still. “We partner with retailers to fundamentally transform the way their retail organization operates, unlocking the full power, passion and potential of their leaders and their teams”. The result of her work… delighted customers, increased profits, and sustainable, long-term business success. Sounds good!

Christina, What do you think the post-COVID retail landscape will look like?

The retail landscape is evolving drastically. We are already seeing how cities are starting to change. In my opinion, there will be a very diversified mix of big players who have a clear omni-channel experience implemented along their customer journey. On the other hand local and very specialized retailers are experiencing a huge renaissance. Anybody without a clear message or target will diminish.

A seamless customer journey between all channels (online, social media, in-store, etc.) is the key that technology needs to provide

What will be the biggest problem or weakness that the physical store have to deal with?

The biggest challenge and yet the biggest potential in brick-and-mortar retail lies within the personal connection between brand ambassadors and their clients. It is the only remaining differentiation factor for retailers in their stores. Educating sales employees to become real brand ambassadors is a huge task. That why we have founded the Retail Excellence Academy ( – the most innovative and effective online blend learning platform. We build exciting branded retail communities, where the retail & sales experts of tomorrow are developed.

What role will technology play?

Technology already plays and will expand it’s significant role for retailers. A seamless customer journey between all channels (online, social media, in-store, etc.) is the key that technology needs to provide. Nevertheless, it won’t replace what retail is all about – offering live experiences and building long-lasting relationships with clients. It’s all about making use of advanced technology in order to achieve this mission.

The stores of tomorrow will surely look different than today

How will customer loyalty be achieved?

Personal experiences, individual service and advice are the number 1 success factors in retail. Human connection and live encounters between people and personal contact are the only remaining differentiating factors in today’s competitive field of retail. And yet the biggest potential to build long-lasting loyalty.

Are you optimistic about the future of retail?

100% optimistic! Retail is evolving and the stores of tomorrow will surely look different than today. It’s an exciting journey ahead and I’m looking forward to support and accompany retailers and their teams to succeed.



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