Flame in Porch: How to Increase Your Customer Service

Written by Flame

How to Increase Your Customer Service

Today, digitization is crucial for boosting the value of businesses. Because of this, developing a customer service plan is crucial for your business. Porch has assembled some experts (including Flame Analytics) in customer care if they are looking for suggestions on how to serve customers and expand their online and offline channels.

Why is empathy essential in customer service?

Empathy is the ability to put yourself in a client’s shoes, that is, to share another person’s feelings by imagining what it would be like to be in that person’s situation. Keeping this definition in mind, it is easy to understand why empathy is so important in creating a memorable customer experience.

If we are empathic, we develop an emotional connection with our customers because if they are emotionally connected, they will buy more, visit us more frequently, pay more attention to our communications, and recommend us more. Our consumers expect us to listen to them and understand their concerns. They expect companies to understand their needs and expectations.

Also, a negative customer service situation can be rectified easily if we are empathetic to the customer. In fact, if we manage this situation properly, we may end up with a better relationship with our client than before. Finally, being empathetic with customers is one of the most effective ways to improve customer retention.

Lucia Gonzalez, Marketing manager Flame Analytics

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