10 Summer Retail Tips To Heat Up Sales

Written by Flame

10 Summer Retail Tips To Heat Up Sales

Do you want to attract consumer traffic this summer? If the answer is Yes, here are 10 fantastic ideas to bring buyers back into your store.

1. Organize an event

Create your own event or collaborate with some specific brand in order to organize an activity in which your clients can participate. A good incentive to participe would be to give some prizes, as promotion vouchers for your place, or some kind of merchandising if you collaborate with a brand.

Prepare your place as a cool place to be on those hot summer days with cold drinks stands and switch on the air conditioner to keep your clients comfortable.

2. Reward your customers

Encourage your clients to share or write their experiences and opinions about your place in some opinion websites or social media by offering, in exchange for it, some discounts.

3. Remember to say thank you

Organize yourself so you spend a certain time being grateful to your clients for choosing you for their purchases, participating in your events or sharing information about your place on the internet.

4. Create a special summer edition of products

Design something that calls the attention of our clients. Create summer-related merchandise that is useful and that your customers may need in their holidays.

5. Summer loyalty program

Create a special loyalty program for the summer period and ask your clients to sign into it. After buyings they will receive discounts for their next purchases.

6. Promote your store outside

Catch shoppers’ attention by setting some interactive or attractive publicity outside your store. If you have some special discounts, use this information to encourage clients to come into your place.

7.  Summer packs

Create special packs for summer that content different products that, if combined, form a perfect pack for the holidays. Set a special price for this type of packs, so customers find them interesting not just by its price but for its content.

8. Hold a competition

Everyone loves to get something for free, so you may create a competition or a raffle for your clientes. To participate you may ask them, for example, for their name and email, so you can have their contact to send them information about your store, productos or special offers to their email addresses whenever you want.

9. Use local publicity

Using local media as newspapers or radio would be a good choice to promote your store, your products or offers to both local clients or people that are in your city for holidays. Choose a good claim to catch the attention of the audience. Use also those activities, events or summer special editions that you have organized to promote your store.

10. Go to specific places

Summer is the period of time of the year when most festivals, markets or events take place. Ensure that you know what these events are and set up your publicity on them. Choose the activities that fits with your store and the type of client that your place attracts.



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