7 Steps to Build a Successful Hotel SMM Campaign

Written by Flame

Here are the 8 steps you can take to build a successful hotel social media marketing campaign.

Using social media for marketing is a very smart way of attracting attention and revenue for your hotel. Nowadays, every business has at least one social media profile. Most businesses use social media to promote their brand image and gather a steady following of audiences. Sharing photos, videos, and text posts to give followers an idea of how your business runs and what services they can look forward to if they choose your hotel is a great way to establish brand recognition among customers. No matter what kind of guests you cater to, whether they are corporate travelers, family vacationers, or honeymooning couples, you want your hotel to be the number one choice in your city. The top social media networks for hotels and resorts are Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and Pinterest. Big hotels with a larger promotional budget also own a website domain and give customers the option of looking at rooms and booking tickets, all in a single place.

1.  Establish your social media strategy

The impact of social media marketing on the hotel industry is highly underrated. Knowing what you want your hotel’s social media strategy to be is key for every new hotel owner. Draft a rough strategy that you can work on when you get ideas. Do some basic competitor research to get an understanding of how other hotels do the same. You can take from it what applies to your business and come up with some more ideas that work for you. You need to decide what social media platforms to use, how you will use them, who your key target audience is, and what they are interested in. Answering these questions will give you a vague idea of what your social media strategy should revolve around.

2.  Set practical and measurable goals

Another important step to build a successful hotel social media marketing campaign is to define some specific goals and outline the strategy to achieve them. The objectives must be practical and achievable. Do not set vague goals that don’t have quantifiable goals that can be tracked and compared. For example, you can say that you want to increase subscribers to your YouTube page to 2000 people in the next 6 months rather than vaguely saying that you want to increase subscribers. Giving a specific number and a time limit gives you the opportunity to work towards achieving what you want.

3.  Distribute content throughout all channels

As mentioned above, there are various social media platforms you can use to promote your hotel and market the services that you offer to your audience. Different platforms are used for different purposes. Instagram is a great place for photo and short-format video content. YouTube, on the other hand, is the favored option for longer videos like vlogs, tours, and interviews. Facebook is ideal for making announcements and hosting events. Twitter is a great platform to share news and other updates on. Use all the different channels that you can to create a balanced social media marketing strategy for your hotel.

4.  Maintain consistent brand message

It is very important to identify and maintain your brand’s tone and style of communication. If you run a luxury hotel that is on the higher end and for corporate or VIP clients, you must stick to a minimalist and opulent brand identity that communicates what you want it to. Hire marketing experts who are good at being consistent with one style of social media communication. Using social media marketing campaigns to promote the image of the brand and make it recognizable in the minds of the audience is an excellent way of advertising your hotel business.

5.  Utilize various tools

All social media algorithms now operate in a way that makes it easy for you, its user, to track and measure analytics. Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube all have a business profile option that helps you create business content. Nowadays, we have shorter format content like stories and highlights that are great for communicating messages that expire soon. There is also a great deal of mobile-centric social media content like reels shorts and others that businesses can benefit from. Use hashtags, guides, stickers, paid ads, and more to make sure that your content is seen by as many people as possible. Students that need thesis writing help for their academic papers can find professionals that assist in paper writing and writing assignments, using social media tools like hashtags.

6.  Engage your audience

Engagement is a very important aspect of social media marketing. A lot of businesses think that hiring an intern to run their social media page and leaving it at that is all that is needed for a successful social media marketing campaign. This is not true, as if that were the case, a lot of companies with Instagram pages would profit off of SMM campaigning. To generate maximum engagement, one must prompt followers to click, like, share, save, bookmark, subscribe, and more. Getting followers to interact with the page is a great way to make sure that your content reaches the people it is made for. Building a community on social media is the easiest way to make potential guests discover you.

7.  Collaborate with influencers

For any business that thrives on attention, influencer collaboration is the way to go. Create fresh and engaging content by inviting relatable and trustworthy influencers who can rate, review, and share their thoughts on your hotel with their followers. Audiences have more faith in people like them, and information coming from one of their own is likely to be believed and taken seriously. Besides, it would help to get outsider input in the business.

As a hotelier, it is your job to make the dreams of customers come true. Your content should be relatable, well-timed, and make audiences take action. Creating personalized content that stands out to customers among a sea of other hotels is where the challenge lies. Follow these general steps and identify your niche. Proudly accept and promote the one thing that makes you unique, and it will make all the difference.

Author’s bio. Jessica Fender is a professional content creator, copywriter, and editorial manager on Mywritingpapers. Her experience in digital marketing and professional development has enabled her to write better articles, essays, and case studies on these topics. Jessica enjoys reading personal development lit and listening to podcasts.



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