Flame in the TV show «Embark»

Escrito por Flame


We have already told you that Juanma Romero, Spanish TV reporter, had met us in San Francisco.

Flame in the TV show «Embark» The report recorded there will be on air this Thursday, November 21, at 4 p.m. in the TV show «Emprende» (Canal 24 Horas). A program directed and presented by Juanma Romero, a space for information and communication on entrepreneurship.

In this space you will see the interview he did to Jonathan Solis about our stay in Silicon Valley and about our product for retail analytics: Flame.

Do not miss it!

Flame in the TV show «Embark» that» is directed and presented by Juanma Romero. Every week, the space makes a journey to meet different entrepreneurs and their projects.

‘Embark’ provides solutions that help undertake, ideas for new projects and useful information on the entire route that an entrepreneur has to do with its strengths and weaknesses. To reinforce the first or help solve the latter, the program provides different solutions.

Specialists in personal branding, digital marketing and emotions involved in ‘Embark’ to help find ways to take forward a project.

‘Embark’ has a clear vocation for public service. Want to cooperate within their means to job creation, contributing ideas to facilitate the creation of SMEs and micro-enterprises and generating jobs.



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